Carolina Giant Schnauzers photo’s and picture’s of my puppy owner’s giant schnauzers 









We at Carolina Giant Schnauzers would like to thank you for your interest in our website as well as our dog’s and puppies. We take great pride in doing the right thing for our giant schnauzers. From showing, to breeding, training, showing and just having them as our so loved and adored pets.

We hope you come away with a little more knowledge than you had before you found our website. Giants can be a very trying breed at first and they do stay in the puppy stage for the first 2yrs some longer than other’s but with training, patience, firm but gentle guidance and sometimes a very strong drink (for the owner). Your crazy, fast growing, biting, snappy and very smart puppy will turn into the best dog you’ve ever had.

Weather you decide to buy a puppy from Carolina Giant Schnauzers or another very responsible breeder you will have a whole community of giant schnauzer owners that are and have gone thru what you are going thru as a first time owner. Or you might have owned a giant before and have forgotten how they can be LOL.  There are some really great people out there that are willing to help you thru whatever your having problem’s with and if you decide to get a puppy from us I personally will be there for you for the whole life of the puppy.

Feel free to call or email anytime we are always here to help and if don’t have any puppies available we may be able to point you in the direction of a breeder that does have puppies. Thank you again for considering us  for being the breeder of your future puppy.

Nancy and Michael